The blog feature enables you to deploy a full-featured blog in no time.
Check the Blog Plugin API Reference documentation for an exhaustive list of options.
Initial setupβ
To set up your site's blog, start by creating a blog
Then, add an item link to your blog within docusaurus.config.js
export default {
themeConfig: {
// ...
navbar: {
items: [
// ...
{to: 'blog', label: 'Blog', position: 'left'}, // or position: 'right'
Adding postsβ
To publish in the blog, create a Markdown file within the blog directory.
For example, create a file at website/blog/
title: Welcome Docusaurus
description: This is my first post on Docusaurus.
slug: welcome-docusaurus-v2
- name: Joel Marcey
title: Co-creator of Docusaurus 1
x: joelmarcey
github: JoelMarcey
- name: SΓ©bastien Lorber
title: Docusaurus maintainer
x: sebastienlorber
github: slorber
tags: [hello, docusaurus-v2]
hide_table_of_contents: false
Welcome to this blog. This blog is created with [**Docusaurus 2**](
<!-- truncate -->
This is my first post on Docusaurus 2.
A whole bunch of exploration to follow.
The front matter is useful to add more metadata to your blog post, for example, author information, but Docusaurus will be able to infer all necessary metadata without the front matter. For all possible fields, see the API documentation.
Blog listβ
The blog's index page (by default, it is at /blog
) is the blog list page, where all blog posts are collectively displayed.
Use the <!--truncate-->
marker in your blog post to represent what will be shown as the summary when viewing all published blog posts. Anything above <!--truncate-->
will be part of the summary. Note that the portion above the truncate marker must be standalone renderable Markdown. For example:
title: Markdown blog truncation example
All these will be part of the blog post summary.
<!-- truncate -->
But anything from here on down will not be.
For files using the .mdx
extension, use a MDX comment {/* truncate */}
title: MDX blog truncation Example
All these will be part of the blog post summary.
{/* truncate */}
But anything from here on down will not be.
By default, 10 posts are shown on each blog list page, but you can control pagination with the postsPerPage
option in the plugin configuration. If you set postsPerPage: 'ALL'
, pagination will be disabled and all posts will be displayed on the first page. You can also add a meta description to the blog list page for better SEO:
export default {
// ...
presets: [
blog: {
blogTitle: 'Docusaurus blog!',
blogDescription: 'A Docusaurus powered blog!',
postsPerPage: 'ALL',
Blog sidebarβ
The blog sidebar displays recent blog posts. The default number of items shown is 5, but you can customize with the blogSidebarCount
option in the plugin configuration. By setting blogSidebarCount: 0
, the sidebar will be completely disabled, with the container removed as well. This will increase the width of the main container. Specially, if you have set blogSidebarCount: 'ALL'
, all posts will be displayed.
You can also alter the sidebar heading text with the blogSidebarTitle
option. For example, if you have set blogSidebarCount: 'ALL'
, instead of the default "Recent posts", you may rather make it say "All posts":
export default {
presets: [
blog: {
blogSidebarTitle: 'All posts',
blogSidebarCount: 'ALL',
Blog post dateβ
Docusaurus will extract a YYYY-MM-DD
date from many patterns such as
. This enables you to easily group blog posts by year, by month, or to use a flat structure.
Supported date extraction patterns
Pattern | Example |
Single file | |
MDX file | 2021-05-28-my-blog-post-title.mdx |
Single folder + | 2021-05-28-my-blog-post-title/ |
Folder named by date | 2021-05-28/ |
Nested folders by date | 2021/05/28/ |
Partially nested folders by date | 2021/ |
Nested folders + | 2021/05/28/my-blog-post-title/ |
Date in the middle of path | category/2021/ |
Docusaurus can extract the date from the posts using any of the naming patterns above. It is advisable to choose one pattern and apply it to all posts to avoid confusion.
Using a folder can be convenient to co-locate blog post images alongside the Markdown file.
This naming convention is optional, and you can also provide the date as front matter. Since the front matter follows YAML syntax where the datetime notation is supported, you can use front matter if you need more fine-grained publish dates. For example, if you have multiple posts published on the same day, you can order them according to the time of the day:
date: 2021-09-13T10:00
date: 2021-09-13T18:00
Blog post authorsβ
Use the authors
front matter field to declare blog post authors. An author should have at least a name
or an image_url
. Docusaurus uses information like url
, email
, and title
, but any other information is allowed.
Inline authorsβ
Blog post authors can be declared directly inside the front matter:
- Single author
- Multiple authors
name: Joel Marcey
title: Co-creator of Docusaurus 1
x: joelmarcey
github: JoelMarcey
- name: Joel Marcey
title: Co-creator of Docusaurus 1
x: joelmarcey
github: JoelMarcey
- name: SΓ©bastien Lorber
title: Docusaurus maintainer
x: sebastienlorber
github: slorber
This option works best to get started, or for casual, irregular authors.
Prefer using the authors
front matter, but the legacy author_*
front matter remains supported:
author: Joel Marcey
author_title: Co-creator of Docusaurus 1
Global authorsβ
For regular blog post authors, it can be tedious to maintain authors' information inlined in each blog post.
It is possible to declare those authors globally in a configuration file:
name: Joel Marcey
title: Co-creator of Docusaurus 1
x: joelmarcey
github: JoelMarcey
name: SΓ©bastien Lorber
title: Docusaurus maintainer
x: sebastienlorber
github: slorber
Use the authorsMapPath
plugin option to configure the path. JSON is also supported.
In blog posts front matter, you can reference the authors declared in the global configuration file:
- Single author
- Multiple authors
authors: jmarcey
authors: [jmarcey, slorber]
The authors
system is very flexible and can suit more advanced use-case:
Mix inline authors and global authors
You can use global authors most of the time, and still use inline authors:
- jmarcey
- slorber
- name: Inline Author name
title: Inline Author Title
Local override of global authors
You can customize the global author's data on per-blog-post basis:
- key: jmarcey
title: Joel Marcey's new title
- key: slorber
name: SΓ©bastien Lorber's new name
Localize the author's configuration file
The configuration file can be localized, just create a localized copy of it at:
An author, either declared through front matter or through the authors map, needs to have a name or an avatar, or both. If all authors of a post don't have names, Docusaurus will display their avatars compactly. See this test post for the effect.
RSS feeds require the author's email to be set for the author to appear in the feed.
Blog post tagsβ
Tags are declared in the front matter and introduce another dimension of categorization.
It is possible to define tags inline, or to reference predefined tags declared in a tags file
(optional, usually blog/tags.yml
In the following example:
references a predefined tag key declared inblog/tags.yml
is an inline tag, because it does not exist inblog/tags.yml
title: 'My blog post'
- Releases
- docusaurus
label: 'Docusaurus'
permalink: '/docusaurus'
description: 'Blog posts related to the Docusaurus framework'
Reading timeβ
Docusaurus generates a reading time estimation for each blog post based on word count. We provide an option to customize this.
export default {
presets: [
blog: {
showReadingTime: true, // When set to false, the "x min read" won't be shown
readingTime: ({content, frontMatter, defaultReadingTime}) =>
defaultReadingTime({content, options: {wordsPerMinute: 300}}),
The readingTime
callback receives three parameters: the blog content text as a string, front matter as a record of string keys and their values, and the default reading time function. It returns a number (reading time in minutes) or undefined
(disable reading time for this page).
The default reading time is able to accept additional options: wordsPerMinute
as a number (default: 300), and wordBound
as a function from string to boolean. If the string passed to wordBound
should be a word bound (spaces, tabs, and line breaks by default), the function should return true
Use the callback for all your customization needs:
- Per-post disabling
- Passing options
- Using custom algorithms
Disable reading time on one page:
export default {
presets: [
blog: {
showReadingTime: true,
readingTime: ({content, frontMatter, defaultReadingTime}) =>
? undefined
: defaultReadingTime({content}),
hide_reading_time: true
This page will no longer display the reading time stats!
Pass options to the default reading time function:
export default {
presets: [
blog: {
readingTime: ({content, defaultReadingTime}) =>
defaultReadingTime({content, options: {wordsPerMinute: 100}}),
Use a custom implementation of reading time:
import myReadingTime from './myReadingTime';
export default {
presets: [
blog: {
readingTime: ({content}) => myReadingTime(content),
You can generate RSS / Atom / JSON feed by passing feedOptions
. By default, RSS and Atom feeds are generated. To disable feed generation, set feedOptions.type
to null
type FeedType = 'rss' | 'atom' | 'json';
type BlogOptions = {
feedOptions?: {
type?: FeedType | 'all' | FeedType[] | null;
title?: string;
description?: string;
copyright: string;
language?: string; // possible values:
limit?: number | false | null; // defaults to 20
/** Allow control over the construction of BlogFeedItems */
createFeedItems?: (params: {
blogPosts: BlogPost[];
siteConfig: DocusaurusConfig;
outDir: string;
defaultCreateFeedItems: (params: {
blogPosts: BlogPost[];
siteConfig: DocusaurusConfig;
outDir: string;
}) => Promise<BlogFeedItem[]>;
}) => Promise<BlogFeedItem[]>;
Example usage:
export default {
// ...
presets: [
blog: {
feedOptions: {
type: 'all',
copyright: `Copyright Β© ${new Date().getFullYear()} Facebook, Inc.`,
createFeedItems: async (params) => {
const {blogPosts, defaultCreateFeedItems,} = params;
return defaultCreateFeedItems({
// keep only the 10 most recent blog posts in the feed
blogPosts: blogPosts.filter((item, index) => index < 10),,
The feeds can be found at:
- Atom
Advanced topicsβ
Blog-only modeβ
You can run your Docusaurus site without a dedicated landing page and instead have your blog's post list page as the index page. Set the routeBasePath
to be '/'
to serve the blog through the root route
instead of the subroute
export default {
// ...
presets: [
docs: false, // Optional: disable the docs plugin
blog: {
routeBasePath: '/', // Serve the blog at the site's root
/* other blog options */
Don't forget to delete the existing homepage at ./src/pages/index.js
or else there will be two files mapping to the same route!
If you disable the docs plugin, don't forget to delete references to the docs plugin elsewhere in your configuration file. Notably, make sure to remove the docs-related navbar items.
There's also a "Docs-only mode" for those who only want to use the docs. Read Docs-only mode for detailed instructions or a more elaborate explanation of routeBasePath
Multiple blogsβ
By default, the classic theme assumes only one blog per website and hence includes only one instance of the blog plugin. If you would like to have multiple blogs on a single website, it's possible too! You can add another blog by specifying another blog plugin in the plugins
option for docusaurus.config.js
Set the routeBasePath
to the URL route that you want your second blog to be accessed on. Note that the routeBasePath
here has to be different from the first blog or else there could be a collision of paths! Also, set path
to the path to the directory containing your second blog's entries.
As documented for multi-instance plugins, you need to assign a unique ID to the plugins.
export default {
// ...
plugins: [
* Required for any multi-instance plugin
id: 'second-blog',
* URL route for the blog section of your site.
* *DO NOT* include a trailing slash.
routeBasePath: 'my-second-blog',
* Path to data on filesystem relative to site dir.
path: './my-second-blog',
As an example, we host a second blog here.